July 25, 2024

Have you recently launched a website in order to connect with the online community or to promote a specific product? If so, you have indeed entered into a brave new world. There are still several challenges to address before enjoying success. One practical issue involves cybersecurity.

There are several ways in which you can ensure that your site functions properly and does not fall victim to issues such as hacking, phishing or malware. If you wish to learn more without delving into overly technical information, the advice outlined below should prove useful. 

Website Hosting
Many new websites employ a shared hosting service due to its straightforward and cost-effective nature. However, security is often less than optimal and this may place your portal at risk. Most experts recommend leveraging targeted solutions including the web hosting which IONOS offers for startup businesses. A variety of plans are available and unlike shared hosting platforms, it is always possible to contact a dedicated support agent in the event that an issue happens to arise. 

Proxy Services
This next recommendation has not been given the attention that it deserves. There may be times when you wish to further secure the information transmitted between two parties (such as bank account data). In these cases, an HTTPS proxy service could be a wise option. This proxy essentially acts as a “middleman” between the site and the end user. These proxies will also encrypt data during transmission; making it much more difficult for nefarious entities to gain access. Note that there are plenty of free platforms to consider.

The Importance of SSL
SSL is an acronym for Secure Sockets Layer. The chances are high that you have noticed the symbol of a padlock immediately to the left of the URL address of many websites. This denotes that they have employed SSL encryption. SSL is now the gold standard of website protection and every portal should utilise this tool. This is also why it is crucial to renew your existing certificate as soon as you are notified. Any lapse could place your security in jeopardy and hackers are constantly on the lookout for unprotected portals. 

The Role of Redundancy

For the sake of argument, let us assume for a moment that your website has been hacked or fallen victim to a DDoS attack. What options would you have in these worst-case scenarios? While damage may have already been done, all is not lost if the information contained within was previously backed up. Cloud storage solutions provide a redundant means to store important data offsite. These details can thereafter be retrieved once your site once again goes live. In fact, many consumers are now becoming hesitant to register with businesses that do not offer some type of cloud storage solution. There are many firms to choose from and some even offer free packages for basic storage services. 

Timely and Practical
Even if your website has not yet experienced any cybersecurity issues, it is always better to err on the side of caution. Furthermore, it pays to act sooner as opposed to later. 

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